Our mission is to empower everyone to adventure well.
From the backyard to the backcountry, we believe in the joy of exploration. The freedom to adventure well lies in preparation and remote self-sufficiency, helping to save lives and mitigate injuries when unforeseen circumstances arise.
We’re here to offer the best and most comprehensive set of skills, tools, and resources available for responding to medical and rescue emergencies in the most challenging environments.
Our commitment extends beyond traditional guiding services; from basic outdoor skills to advanced medical preparedness, we strive to educate and inspire a diverse community of adventurers.
At BMG, we're more than just guides—we're your partners in adventure and resilience.
Whether you’re a skier, climber, hiker, or just enjoy being outside, our guides will teach you the essentials of being prepared for any kind of wilderness adventure.
We're family, we're friends, we draw from years of experience in all aspects of rescue and emergency medicine. Most of all, we love teaching—which is why we got into this whole thing in the first place. Read our stories and meet the crew.
We firmly believe that core knowledge is key, but with the unique and dynamic challenges that the marine environment presents, sport and activity-specific guidelines are essential. Our goal is pretty simple: to deliver the highest quality and most relevant medical training possible for mariners.
“We, as an organization who cares deeply about the quality of our trainings, couldn’t be luckier to have forged our partnership with Backcountry Medical Guides. They hit the mark on professionalism, fun, quality of teaching, and accessibility.”
—Kate Farthing, Broadreach Program Director
There are few sports that can transport you as quickly and deeply into the backcountry as mountain biking can. To prepare those who love exploring on two wheels, we’ve developed programs that expand upon our core curriculum and focus on safety scenarios specific to mountain biking.
A purist sport that allows access to the world with just your feet. For those that venture further, a sturdy knowledge of medical maintenance, nutrition, and hydration is essential, as is the need to prepare adequate contingency plans should trouble arise.